Dear Beachwood,
I would like to start this week’s “Lessons Learned” by asking you a question, “What do you do, when your back is against the wall?”  What do you do, when you have exhausted all of your savings and your money is funny…? You have no family or rich friends to come to your rescue. You have done all that you could to survive and it is still not enough. When you look back over your life you say to yourself, “I went to college, I worked hard, I saved my money, and I did my best to make all right the turns, but yet I find myself scraping the bottom of the barrel.” Where did I go wrong? My answer to all of these questions is simply, do not give up!
Many of you are facing some unforeseen financial difficulties due to sickness, death, layoffs, and divorce or separation. Do not allow pride or shame to prevent you from seeking out help. Talk to your creditors; especially your mortgage provider.  Do not wait until it is too late. It is better to be proactive than reactive.  
During the time I was laid off, I cleaned toilets, cashiered at a local department store, and office contract work as it became available.  In an effort to stay on top of my bills, I contacted one of my creditors to discuss my situation. To my surprise they were very helpful. They put me in contact with a non-profit credit counseling agency, which was able to help me to set up a manageable payment plan.  I only wished I had contacted my creditors the day I received my layoff notice. It would have saved me a lot of anxiety and restless nights.
As we start another week, let us be proactive in handling our financial affairs. Spend some time this week determining how you and your family would handle the loss of an income in your home.  
Have a great week!
Daisy Lucas
“A Woman of Purpose and Destiny”

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10/24/2011 06:49:42 am

This is great! I love reading what you write! This made me think to 4 years ago when I was pregnant with our twins. I knew we could not afford day care for two. I was stressing big time because I also new we couldn't afford for me not to work. However, I quit my job and I have been a stay at home mom to our boys ever since! God has blessed us in so many ways! It just came to me one day "why don't I clean houses" . I love to clean and it will help us out! I now clean houses 2 days a week and I am making more then when I worked full time. It makes me not want to every go back to working for someone else again. I am so glad to be able to stay home and watch my boys grow!!


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