Dear Beachwood,
In my quest to become financially secure, I found that there has been a direct correlation between my finances and my health. Let me explain, the better I feel about myself the better I manage my finances and other important matters in my life. When I am depressed, sad, or for better words… out of balance for whatever reason, the more I eat and the less I pay attention to the those things that matter.
Sometime ago, while sitting in Bible study, I look down to see that my ankles were swollen. Since this was not the first time this had happen, I began to think seriously about my health. While thinking about my food consumption and lack of exercise, I continued to eat and sit on the couch. Giving thought to how I could possibly loose the extra pounds, which I had gained over the course of about 20 years. Then there was what Oprah Winfrey calls the A-ha moment! I finally got it! I thought fixing my finances would ultimately fix everything in my life. Wrong! You know how we think. If I could win the lottery all of my problems would be solved. Not so. I realized there was no book, movie, or person coming to my rescue. I had to get up off the couch and rescue myself. Food was not my problem! Money or the lack of it was not my problem! My problem was me.  I was my own worst enemy! So I got up off the couch and made the decision to finally become a whole Daisy. Not just in my finances, but in every area of my life.
The following week I made the decision to join a gym through Raleigh Parks and Recreation for only $10 a month, which does not require me to sign a contract. The gym is small and private, which I really like! Although I am unable to go every day, I go as much as I can. Like my finances, every step I take in the right direction can only lead to success.  My former employer use to say, “You can not put a price on your health.” He tried on many occasions to show me how to eat healthy, but I would always tell him that eating healthy cost too much. Well, I now see the light... Good health could save me money by reducing my healthcare cost in the long run; especially with healthcare cost rising everyday. Even if you could afford the rising cost of healthcare, what about your family?  You owe it to your family to live a well balance life.
Investing in a healthy lifestyle, could possibly be one of your most important investments.
I know this weeks Lessons Learned maybe a little off target, but I felt the need to share this A-ha moment with all of you.  Like I have said in the past, “I am on a journey.”  
Daisy Lucas
“A Woman of Purpose and De
11/17/2011 01:19:47 am

Very nice Daisy and very true.

I enjoy reading your comments every week. Keep up the good work.

9/2/2012 07:43:01 pm

will be restored soon


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