Dear Beachwood,

Do you know that one of the most powerful words in the English dictionary only has two letters in it? This word is so powerful, that when used it can prevent, delay, or enhance your life in an instance.  Up until about a year ago, it was missing from my vocabulary. I was simply afraid to use it. Well, I have since grown and now I realize that I must use this word in order to free myself from worry and anxiety. The word is “No.”

No, I can no longer loan what I can not easily give away. No, I can no longer accept every offer that has a pen and a smile attached to it. No, I will not allow you to pressure me into something I do not want to do; especially when everything in me says, “Say No.”  Nancy Reagan was right, “Just Say No.”  Why is this so hard? It does not have to be, which leads me into my “Lessons Learned” for this week.

Not long ago I went grocery shopping at a membership warehouse. I gave the cashier my membership card and waited for her to swipe it. After swiping my card, the cashier’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. I looked at her and asked if there was a problem.  She said, “No there is no problem. You have been approved for a new Visa card.”  Now the old Daisy, would have been excited and to embarrass to say, “No thank you.” I also would have felt special to have received such as offer. Since I have been feeling pretty good about myself lately, I did not feel the need to accept their offer.

I did not care what my fellow shoppers thought about me. I did not care if I held up the line. I knew what I said at that very moment would say a lot about, who I was and how I felt about myself.  I smiled at the cashier and politely said, “No thank you.”  She asked me one more time and I said with confidence and the assurance that I was making the right decision, “No thank you.” I then took the approval receipt and shredded it into little pieces and walked out of the store feeing really good about my decision to say, “No.”

Saying no is not a bad thing.  Not saying no when you should is a bad thing.

Have a great week!

Daisy Lucas

“A Woman of Purpose and Destiny”


5/30/2012 01:27:49 pm

that you are accurate on those post


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